Do you need to apply for Social Security Disability benefits?
If you haven't yet applied for Social Security Disability benefits, Lewis Law can help. Your application for Social Security Disability benefits requires a lot of information about you and your disability. We will obtain information from you and help you present your evidence to Social Security effectively. Our expertise in Social Security Disability can help improve your chances of being approved. Don't wait - start your application for Social Security Disability benefits today.
Do you need to appeal a Social Security denial?
If you have already applied for Social Security Disability benefits and have been denied, Lewis Law can help you file your appeal.
Most applications for Social Security disability benefits are denied when they are first considered by Social Security. The process can be stressful and many people do not know what evidence they need to win their Social Security disability benefits. The process can also be long, and the people who most need SSDI or SSI disability benefits don't know what they can do to get their benefits.
If you have been denied, don't give up. We can help you get the evidence you need to Social Security, and we will help you tell your story in a way that Social Security will recognize and understand.
We handle SSDI and SSI Social Security Disability claims.
We represent people with both physical and mental disabilities, and we understand the details involved.
An understanding of the details surrounding your specific illnesses or conditions is crucial. We are able to assist you in telling your story effectively to Social Security and getting your benefits. We have experience in reviewing medical records and applying the details to Social Security disability cases. We are familiar with physical and mental conditions and we know what details and evidence Social Security needs to decide your claim favorably. Click here for information about specific illnesses or conditions.